21 research outputs found

    Occurrence of vicine and convicine in faba bean and their removal by hydrolysis

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    Legumes are a sustainable source of plant protein, and their production could be increased in Europe. The use of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is limited in part due to the presence of the pyrimidine glycosides vicine and convicine. Vicine and convicine, and particularly their aglycones, can cause a form of haemolytic anaemia called favism in individuals who have genetic deficiency in the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzyme. Different processing methods have reduced the vicine and convicine contents to varying levels, but the formation of the aglycones have not been studied. Practical processing methods for removal of vicine, convicine and their aglycones are still required. The main aim of this study was to implement methods for the total elimination of vicine and convicine, with a focus on the aglycones. The compounds of interest were quantified using reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) with ultraviolet (UV) detection against an internal standard uridine. The contents of vicine and convicine were determined in cultivars grown in Finland, and the contents were compared within a selected growing year and among three growing years. Vicine and convicine were hydrolysed in faba bean extracts, in vicine and convicine fractions and in faba bean suspensions by using β-glucosidase to study the formation and stability of the aglycones. Finally, the formation and stability reactions were studied under selected model conditions and in sourdoughs and breads. The performance of the HPLC method was suitable for the analysis of vicine and convicine. The levels in the studied cultivars varied from 5.2–7.6 mg/g dry matter (DM) and 2.1–3.6 mg/g DM within one growing year for vicine and convicine, respectively. Cultivar comparison showed that the cultivar ‘Kontu’, the commonly grown cultivar in Finland, contained high amounts of vicine and convicine. No extensive variation was noted among three studied growing years, even though the weather conditions varied markedly. The aglycones were detected and monitored with the HPLC method used for vicine and convicine analysis. The aglycones formed in the vicine and convicine fractions decreased in amount and finally lost their UV absorptivity after 2 h at pH 5 at 37 °C. The need for an external enzyme source was confirmed, as losses of vicine and convicine were rather small in faba bean suspensions. Selected lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains were able to hydrolyse vicine and convicine in faba bean sourdoughs at 25 °C, 24 h; the hydrolysis depended on the fermentation temperature. Sourdoughs lost up to 82–85% of the vicine and up to 34–47% of the convicine. The amounts of vicine and convicine in wheat breads, containing 30% faba bean, were comparable to the amounts that were in sourdoughs after 24 h of fermentation. The aglycones were measured from sourdoughs fermented at 25 °C and from the corresponding doughs, but not from the breads. This study showed that vicine and convicine can be analysed simultaneously with their aglycones with an RP-HPLC-UV method, which provides the benefit of estimation of the total elimination of these compounds. The aglycones were found to disappear in all the studied matrices. Fermentation can induce losses of vicine and convicine, but the efficiency of hydrolysis depends on the selection of strains and the fermentation conditions. Furthermore, controlled acidification is necessary for maintain acceptable sensory quality.Palkokasvit ovat merkittäviä kasviproteiinin lähteitä. Härkäpapu kotimaisena palkokasvina on ekologinen valinta. Härkäpavussa on kuitenkin haitta-aineita, joita ei ole vielä kyetty poistamaan kasvinjalostuksen keinoin. Näistä merkittävimpiä ovat tietylle ihmisryhmälle haitalliset pyrimidiiniglykosidit visiini ja konvisiini ja erityisesti näiden yhdisteiden aglykonimuodot. Häiriö glukoosi-6-dehydrogenaasientsyymin (G6PD) tuotannossa altistaa punasolut näiden yhdisteiden hapetuskyvylle, koska kyseistä entsyymiä tarvitaan hallitsemaan hapettumisreaktioita. Tämä geneettinen muutos on yleinen Afrikassa, Aasiassa, Lähi-idässä ja Välimeren alueella, mutta melko harvinainen Euroopassa. Aiemmat käsittelyt visiinin ja konvisiinin poistamiseksi ovat onnistuneet osittain tai kokonaan, mutta niissä ei ole kuitenkaan otettu huomioon vielä haitallisempien aglykonien vapautumista. Härkäpapujen käsittelyssä on kiinnitettävä huomiota sekä visiinin, konvisiinin että niiden aglykonien poistamiseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää mahdollisuuksia visiinin, konvisiinin ja niiden aglykonien poistamiseksi tarkoitusta varten käyttöönotetuilla menetelmillä. Käänteisfaasi-nestekromatografinen menetelmä UV-detektiolla (RP-HPLC-UV) otettiin käyttöön, ja yhdisteet kvantitoitiin sisäistä standardia uridiinia käyttämällä. Suomessa kasvaneiden härkäpapulajikkeiden visiini- ja konvisiinipitoisuudet määritettiin lähtötasojen selvittämiseksi. Visiiniä ja konvisiiniä hydrolysoitiin malliolosuhteissa sekä härkäpapumateriaaleissa beta-glukosidaasientsyymillä vastaaviksi aglykoneiksi niiden muodostumisen ja stabiilisuuden tutkimista varten. Valittu, optimoitu HPLC-menetelmä soveltui sekä visiinin ja konvisiinin että niiden aglykonien tutkimiseen. Suomessa kasvaneet härkäpapulajikkeet sisälsivät 5,2–7,6 mg/g visiiniä ja 2,1–3,6 mg/g konvisiiniä kuiva-ainetta kohden. Suomessa yleisesti käytetty lajike Kontu sisälsi runsaasti visiiniä ja konvisiiniä. Valittujen lajikkeiden seuranta kolmen vuoden ajalta ei osoittanut merkittäviä muutoksia pitoisuuksissa, vaikka sääolosuhteet vaihtelivat huomattavasti seurantajakson aikana. Visiinin ja konvisiinin aglykonimuotojen stabiilisuudesta eri olosuhteissa saatiin aiempaa laajempaa tietoa. Aglykonien UV-absorptio hävisi malliolosuhteissa (pH 5, 37 °C) kahdessa tunnissa. Ilman lisättyä entsyymiä visiini ja konvisiini eivät merkittävästi hydrolysoituneet härkäpapususpensioissa, joten hydrolyysi vaatii ulkoisen, lisätyn entsyymin lähteen. Fermentointi beta-glukosidaasipositiivisilla maitohappobakteerikannoilla sen sijaan osoitti, että visiini ja konvisiini voidaan hydrolysoida, mutta olosuhteiden optimointi voi olla haastavaa. Valituissa, hallituissa fermentointiolosuhteissa (25 °C fermentointi 24 tunnin ajan) parhaimmillaan noin 80 % visiinistä ja noin 40 % konvisiinistä saatiin poistettua. Leivät lopputuotteina (30 % härkäpapua) sisälsivät hapantaikinoita vastaavan määrän visiiniä ja konvisiiniä. Aglykonit havaittiin hapantaikinoista ja taikinoista, mutta ei leivistä. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä kehitettiin käytännöllinen menetelmä visiinin ja konvisiinin sekä niiden aglykonien määrittämiseksi eri härkäpapumateriaaleista. Visiinin ja konvisiinin hydrolysoiminen vastaaviksi aglykoneiksi oli toimiva ratkaisu, ja hydrolyysissä vapautuvien aglykoneiden havaittiin olevan epästabiileja. Fermentointi oli lupaava menetelmä visiinin ja konvisiinin poistamiseksi härkäpavusta, mutta aistinvaraisen laadun säilyttäminen on tärkeää

    Digitalisaatiovalmiuteen liittyvät olosuhteet kuntien teknisellä toimialalla

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    Digitalisaatiovalmiudella tarkoitamme valmiutta saavuttaa, ottaa käyttöön ja hyödyntää digitaalisia ohjelmistoja ja aineistoja organisaatioissa. Tutkimuksemme osallistuu e-hallintotutkimukseen, jossa digitalisoituvaa hallintoa, organisaatioita ja palveluja tarkasteltaessa on oltu aiemmin kiinnostuneita erityisesti kansalaisille tarjotuista digitaalisista palveluista ja niiden käytöstä. Tavoitteenamme on lisätä kansallisen tason tietoa digitalisaatiovalmiudesta työntekijöiden näkökulmasta kuntien palvelutuotannon kontekstissa. Päätutkimuskysymyksemme on: Millaiset digitalisaatiovalmiutta mahdollistavat olosuhteet kuntien teknisellä toimialalla on Manner-Suomen kunnissa? Kyselyaineistomme on kerätty 255 kunnasta (87 % Manner-Suomen kunnista). Aineistot analysoimme tilastollisin menetelmin ja sisällönanalyysillä. Tulosten mukaan kansallisella tasolla tarkasteltuna kunnissa on teknisellä toimialalla hyvät työntekijöiden digitalisaatiovalmiutta mahdollistavat olosuhteet, joskin kuntien välillä on paljon eroja. Asukasluvultaan pienemmissä kunnissa on muita kuntia vähemmän toimialalle oleellisia ohjelmistoja ja digitaalisia aineistoja työntekijöiden hyödynnettäväksi eli niissä on heikommat digitalisaatiovalmiutta mahdollistavat olosuhteet. Kansallisia teknisen toimialan digitalisaatiovalmiutta edistäviä tukitoimia tulisikin siksi suunnata erityisesti asukasluvultaan pienimpiin kuntiin. E-hallintotutkimuksen kannalta keskeinen tulos on, että eroja löytyi myös teknisen toimialan sisällä. Esimerkiksi digitaalinen arkistointi on yleisempää rakennusluvituksessa kuin kaavoituksessa

    Protein-lipid co-oxidation in emulsions stabilized by microwave-treated and conventional thermal-treated faba bean proteins

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    The course of protein-lipid co-oxidation was investigated in oil-in-water emulsions stabilized with proteins extracted from microwave-treated (MWT) and conventional thermal-treated (CTT) faba beans stored at 37 degrees C for 7days. Emulsions prepared with proteins from untreated (UT) faba beans and soy protein isolate (SP) were monitored for comparison. Lipid oxidation was detected through formation of primary and secondary oxidation products while protein oxidation was examined via tryptophan fluorescence degradation in interface and aqueous phase. Oxidation of proteins was more emphasized in the interfacial layers of MWT, CTT, and SP emulsions than in UT emulsions due to the prominence of radical chain-driven co-oxidation mechanism while lipoxygenase (LOX) activity in UT and MWT emulsions resulted in high amounts of hydroperoxides and abundance in lipid oxidation volatiles. Conventional thermal treatment provided better oxidative stability than microwave treatment reflected in lower levels of hydroperoxides and relative lack of diversity in lipid volatiles. Among detected volatiles, formation of ketones was more distinguished in MWT, CTT, and SP emulsions while UT emulsions contained a more diverse range of alkenals and alkanals. Ketones are known to form mainly through radical recombination reactions which combined with the results of protein oxidation supports that radical transfer reactions between proteins and lipids were the driving force behind oxidation in MWT, CTT, and SP emulsions. Treatments of faba beans resulted in increased oxidative stability of emulsified lipids and lower degradation of aqueous phase proteins.Peer reviewe

    In situ production of vitamin B12 and dextran in soya flour and rice bran: A tool to improve flavour and texture of B12-fortified bread

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    This study aimed to develop a fermentation process that allows the concomitant production of dextran (a texture-enhancing agent) and vitamin B12 (in situ fortification) for bread applications. Mixed fermentation of soya flour or rice bran using Propionibacterium freudenreichii DSM 20271 and Weissella confusa A16 with added sucrose resulted in substantial quantities of dextran (5.6-5.8% dry matter) and B12 (7.9-8.9 mu g/100 g fresh weight), together with antifungal metabolites (e.g. acetic and propionic acids). In addition to an extended mould-free shelf life, the bread containing 50% (dough weight) fermented soya flour or rice bran not only contained adequate levels of B12 but also exhibited improved texture and sensory quality compared to the control, such as a higher loaf volume, a softer crumb, and a more cohesive and moister mouthfeel. The mixed fermentation reduced the beany or cooked-rice flavour but increased sour and cheesy flavours and aftertaste. Dextran pro-duced during the fermentation process exhibited a masking effect on the beany and sour notes and aftertaste, consistently with reduced levels of green or grassy volatiles (e.g. hexanal, heptanal, (E,E)-2,4-decadienal, and 2-pentylfuran). Overall, the mixed fermentation method using P. freudenreichii DSM 20271 and W. confusa A16 showed potential for B12 fortification of bread products with high sensory quality.Peer reviewe

    Flavor challenges in extruded plant-based meat alternatives: A review

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    Demand for plant-based meat alternatives has increased in recent years due to concerns about health, ethics, the environment, and animal welfare. Nevertheless, the market share of plant-based meat alternatives must increase significantly if they are to support sustainable food production and consumption. Flavor is an important limiting factor of the acceptability and marketability of plant-based meat alternatives. Undesirable chemosensory perceptions, such as a beany flavor, bitter taste, and astringency, are often associated with plant proteins and products that use them. This study reviewed 276 articles to answer the following five research questions: (1) What are the volatile and nonvolatile compounds responsible for off-flavors? (2) What are the mechanisms by which these flavor compounds are generated? (3) What is the influence of thermal extrusion cooking (the primary structuring technique to transform plant proteins into fibrous products that resemble meat in texture) on the flavor characteristics of plant proteins? (4) What techniques are used in measuring the flavor properties of plant-based proteins and products? (5) What strategies can be used to reduce off-flavors and improve the sensory appeal of plant-based meat alternatives? This article comprehensively discusses, for the first time, the flavor issues of plant-based meat alternatives and the technologies available to improve flavor and, ultimately, acceptability.Peer reviewe

    The flavor of faba bean ingredients and extrudates : Chemical and sensory properties

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    Faba bean, processed into ingredients (flour, protein concentrate, protein isolate), can be extruded to meat al-ternatives with a fibrous texture. Despite its importance for consumer acceptance, not enough is known about the flavor of faba bean ingredients nor about the chemical and sensory changes caused by high-moisture extrusion. Therefore, the aim of this work was to describe the flavor of faba bean ingredients and the corresponding extrudates and to understand how their composition affects the perception of sensory attributes. Firstly, faba bean protein ingredients and extrudates were characterized for lipid-degrading enzymatic activities, flavor precursors, and volatile and non-volatile flavor-active compounds. Secondly, sensory profiling was conducted. Thirdly, partial least squares regression was applied to understand the relationship between chemical and sen-sory data. This study showed that faba bean protein concentrate had the strongest taste and aftertaste (respec-tively 7 and 6, on a 0-10 intensity scale), bitterness (6-7), and pea flavor and odor (respectively 6 and 5), whereas faba bean protein isolate had the strongest cereal flavor (4) and odor (4), and off-flavor (2) and off-odor (3). Faba bean flour had the mildest flavor. High-moisture extrusion brought several chemical changes to the ingredients, including the formation of several volatile compounds and inactivation of lipid-degrading enzymes. Only traces of tannins were found in extrudates. The presence of free phenolics, vicine, and convicine was linked to strong taste and aftertaste, bitterness, and a drying sensation of the mouth, whereas lipid oxidation products were related to pea, cereal, and off-odors and flavors.Peer reviewe

    Flavor challenges in extruded plant-based meat alternatives: A review

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    Demand for plant-based meat alternatives has increased in recent years due to concerns about health, ethics, the environment, and animal welfare. Nevertheless, the market share of plant-based meat alternatives must increase significantly if they are to support sustainable food production and consumption. Flavor is an important limiting factor of the acceptability and marketability of plant-based meat alternatives. Undesirable chemosensory perceptions, such as a beany flavor, bitter taste, and astringency, are often associated with plant proteins and products that use them. This study reviewed 276 articles to answer the following five research questions: (1) What are the volatile and nonvolatile compounds responsible for off-flavors? (2) What are the mechanisms by which these flavor compounds are generated? (3) What is the influence of thermal extrusion cooking (the primary structuring technique to transform plant proteins into fibrous products that resemble meat in texture) on the flavor characteristics of plant proteins? (4) What techniques are used in measuring the flavor properties of plant-based proteins and products? (5) What strategies can be used to reduce off-flavors and improve the sensory appeal of plant-based meat alternatives? This article comprehensively discusses, for the first time, the flavor issues of plant-based meat alternatives and the technologies available to improve flavor and, ultimately, acceptability

    The flavor of faba bean ingredients and extrudates: Chemical and sensory properties

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    Faba bean, processed into ingredients (flour, protein concentrate, protein isolate), can be extruded to meat al-ternatives with a fibrous texture. Despite its importance for consumer acceptance, not enough is known about the flavor of faba bean ingredients nor about the chemical and sensory changes caused by high-moisture extrusion. Therefore, the aim of this work was to describe the flavor of faba bean ingredients and the corresponding extrudates and to understand how their composition affects the perception of sensory attributes. Firstly, faba bean protein ingredients and extrudates were characterized for lipid-degrading enzymatic activities, flavor precursors, and volatile and non-volatile flavor-active compounds. Secondly, sensory profiling was conducted. Thirdly, partial least squares regression was applied to understand the relationship between chemical and sen-sory data. This study showed that faba bean protein concentrate had the strongest taste and aftertaste (respec-tively 7 and 6, on a 0-10 intensity scale), bitterness (6-7), and pea flavor and odor (respectively 6 and 5), whereas faba bean protein isolate had the strongest cereal flavor (4) and odor (4), and off-flavor (2) and off-odor (3). Faba bean flour had the mildest flavor. High-moisture extrusion brought several chemical changes to the ingredients, including the formation of several volatile compounds and inactivation of lipid-degrading enzymes. Only traces of tannins were found in extrudates. The presence of free phenolics, vicine, and convicine was linked to strong taste and aftertaste, bitterness, and a drying sensation of the mouth, whereas lipid oxidation products were related to pea, cereal, and off-odors and flavors

    Report of the Selenium Working Group 2022

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    In Finland selenium has been added to compound fertilizers since 1984. In the background of this action were studies of the low selenium contents of domestic foods and feeds and concern about its negative effects for public health. Climatic and soil conditions increase the conversion of selenium into forms unavailable to plants and selenium fertilization is needed annually to maintain adequate selenium levels in domestic foods and feeds. During the growing season plants convert inorganic fertilizer selenium into organic selenium compounds that humans and animals can utilize more efficiently than inorganic selenium. Already in the growing season 1985 the effects of selenium supplemented fertilization were seen in domestic foods and feeds. Selenium contents increased 3–4-fold. With fertilization selenium concentrations in foods have been at adequate level to maintain the selenium adequate intake which is in accordance with recommendations. Additional selenium supplements are not needed. Selenium intake can be regulated by the amount of selenium in fertilizers (changed in 1990, 1998, 2007, 2013). Reasons behind these revisions were the changes in fertilization practises. Recent years interest towards bio-based fertilizers (BBFs) have increased due to both environmental and economic reasons. Fertilizing Products Regulation provides means for free movement of BBFs within the EU and a way to reduce EU:s dependency on imported mineral fertilizers. Due to various sources of materials for producing BBFs concentrations of selenium varies as well. However, bioavailability of selenium was poor. Changes in the selenium contents of fertilizers affect directly to the selenium intake of the population and selenium concentrations in human serum. 2010s selenium intake was about 0.08 mg/day/10 MJ and the serum selenium level 1.5 µmol/l. Both intake and serum selenium are at good and adequate level. Soluble selenium concentration in cultivated soils has remained about the same low level during the past 37 years despite annual application of selenium supplemented fertilizers. This is probably due to small annual application rates of selenium and its binding to insoluble form and thus requiring annual application to ensure adequate selenium uptake by plants. Selenium fertilization has not affected into amount of soluble selenium in cultivated soils during the 36 years of selenium fertilization. The input through fertilizers is small and during the growing season selenium is transferred into insoluble forms and binds into soil constituents. The selenium concentrations in surface waters and fishes have been at acceptable level. During floods and heavy rains soil erosion can increase selenium input somewhat, but generally selenium fertilization has not affected surface waters or any other environment. However, environmental issues should be followed regular basis

    The Early Growth Genetics (EGG) and EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) consortia : design, results and future prospects

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    The impact of many unfavorable childhood traits or diseases, such as low birth weight and mental disorders, is not limited to childhood and adolescence, as they are also associated with poor outcomes in adulthood, such as cardiovascular disease. Insight into the genetic etiology of childhood and adolescent traits and disorders may therefore provide new perspectives, not only on how to improve wellbeing during childhood, but also how to prevent later adverse outcomes. To achieve the sample sizes required for genetic research, the Early Growth Genetics (EGG) and EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) consortia were established. The majority of the participating cohorts are longitudinal population-based samples, but other cohorts with data on early childhood phenotypes are also involved. Cohorts often have a broad focus and collect(ed) data on various somatic and psychiatric traits as well as environmental factors. Genetic variants have been successfully identified for multiple traits, for example, birth weight, atopic dermatitis, childhood BMI, allergic sensitization, and pubertal growth. Furthermore, the results have shown that genetic factors also partly underlie the association with adult traits. As sample sizes are still increasing, it is expected that future analyses will identify additional variants. This, in combination with the development of innovative statistical methods, will provide detailed insight on the mechanisms underlying the transition from childhood to adult disorders. Both consortia welcome new collaborations. Policies and contact details are available from the corresponding authors of this manuscript and/or the consortium websites.Peer reviewe